When we buy leather products, whether they are shoes, bags or leather sofa sets, we have to keep a keen eye out for fakes. There are so many fake leather products on the market that look so real they are hard to distinguish from each other. Leather is an expensive material, so if a seller sells you an item for the price of genuine leather and hands you a fake piece, you are just wasting your hard-earned money. It is vital to possess a meticulous eye when shopping for leather furniture. Here are some tell-tale signs of real and fake leather.
Real leather is costly, so if someone sells you leather furniture that is much cheaper than the expected price, then it is probably fake. Genuine leather is from animal hide, which is one of the reasons why it fetches a high price. If the price is too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t be scared to spend money on real leather; it will last you a long time, and you will get value for your money.
It is usual for natural materials to exhibit imperfections on their surface. In fact, it is one of the telltale signs that leather is genuine. When you run your fingers over it, it will feel a little rough. Synthetic leather, on the other hand, has a uniform structure. So, if there are no imperfections and blemishes on the surface, chances are it is fake. It will also feel smooth to the touch.
Real leather has a distinct smell that you cannot find with any other synthetic material. It has an organic scent that no one can replicate. With faux leather, it will smell like plastic. If it smells like a chemical, you can almost be sure that it is fake. So, next time you go furniture shopping, make sure to use your nose on the couch to smell if it is real or fake.
Because real leather is from animal hide, it is normal to have wrinkles and creases when you crumple it. Try doing it, and if it shows lines, you know you are getting the real deal; otherwise, when the surface only depresses under the touch, and it retains its rigidity, you are looking at faux leather.
Read the labels
If the label says, “manmade leather”, it means that it is synthetic leather and not the real deal. A lot of manufacturers mislead customers with thinking that they are selling genuine leather with these words. These phrases – “real leather”, “genuine leather” and “made with animal products” are a good indicator of the leather’s authenticity.
If you are unsure if you will be able to spot fake leather, it is best to ask the help of someone who can. These tips will help you identify the real deal from the fake. Also, only buy from a reputable seller so you can be sure that you are buying genuine leather.
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