It is common knowledge that consuming water is very important during summer. What is less known, however, is the importance of drinking water during winter. Since there are less visible signs of dehydration and the need to consume more water in winters (less sweating, less thirst, etc), people tend to forget drinking the required daily amounts.
This article lists down some of reasons that make water an essential part of the daily diet in winter. However, for proper guidance, please consult a good general physician in Lahore or your city.
Here are some of the reasons to stay hydrated during the winter season:
- Fighting Winter Dehydration
Dehydration does not just take place during summers. Although harder to notice, winter dehydration is also not uncommon. Due to layering and heating, the air tends to become dry and may result in dehydration. Dehydration can significantly impact a person’s well-being as it affects regulation of body temperature, flow of important nutrients and oxygen in the blood around the body, as well as the removal of toxins from the body.
Even though a person does not sweat as much during the winter, the body loses moisture in other ways. For example the water vapor from the mouth and nose, visible outside in the cold weather, is an indicator of loss of water from the body. Therefore it is essential to stay well-hydrated, even if one does not feel thirsty.
- Improving the Skin
Dry air from heating has adverse effects on the skin. The dry air and the contrast between being in a warm room to going outside in the cold may cause the skin to crack and chap. To keep the skin cells hydrated in order to reduce the risk of chapping and peeling, drinking plenty of water is vital.
Moreover, drinking lots of water can help keep the skin fresh and glowing. It also helps in getting rid of unwanted impurities, reducing the chances of breakouts.
- Boosting Energetic
A common cause of fatigue is dehydration. When the body does not have sufficient amounts of water in it, people tend to feel tired and exhausted. Instead of a caffeine fix for day-time fatigue, drink lots of water. Staying hydrated ensures proper and efficient running of bodily functions.
- Fighting Winter Weight Gain
Quite often, the body tends to confuse thirst with hunger. This makes a person eat more. Drinking plenty of water instead, would keep one hydrated and prevent weight gain. Moreover, hydration helps the digestive system to function better. This is particularly important in winters as people tend to consume more food.
- Protecting the Immune System
Although not commonly known, water helps in the proper functioning of the body’s immune system. This is important as the immune system combats all disease causing viruses and bacteria. A lack of water, on the other hand, may dry out the mucous membranes in the lungs and sinus passages, reducing their resistance to infections. Therefore for a healthy immune system, staying hydrated is vital.
Water makes up 70% of the human body and is thus an essential part of everyday life. While this article gives you an overview of the importance of staying hydrated during the winter, for professional assistance regarding the matter, please consult the best general physician in Lahore or your area of residence.
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