If you find it challenging to save money, don’t worry you’ve come to the right place. Just keep reading to discover 6 money saving tips that are sure to increase your savings account’s balance.
6 Incredible Money Saving Tips
1. Get rid of your landline if you don’t use it anymore
If you pay for a smart phone package which boasts unlimited minutes, there’s not really much point in continuing to pay for a landline phone.
2. Ask your friends and family members for gift cards or vouchers for your birthday and Christmas presents
One way to save money on your gas costs, grocery store costs and clothing costs is to ask your close family members and friends for gift cards from your favorite stores for your birthday and Christmas presents. As most of your loved ones will be delighted to be able to gift you with presents that you’ll use and that you’ll find handy. Instead of having to stress over picking a gift that you may not even like or use.
3. If you catch public transportation on a frequent basis try to purchase a monthly pass
If you catch public transportation such as trains or buses on a weekly basis and want to ensure that you’re paying the cheapest rate possible to get around, it’s well worth purchasing a monthly pass or a 10 trip ticket, to ensure that you’re getting the best deal for your money possible. As it’s normally far more expensive to purchase each ticket separately than to purchase a monthly pass or a 10 trip ticket.
4. Read money saving blogs in your spare time
Another way to find new ways to save money is to start reading and bookmarking your favorite money saving blogs. As you’ll no doubt pick up new money saving tips and tricks, that you would never have learned if you didn’t start to read money saving blogs, in your spare time. As an example, you may want to scroll through money saving blogs on your daily commute to and from work.
5. Don’t purchase products that you don’t finish
Take a look in your pantry to see some of the food products which you normally throw out on a regular basis and alter your shopping list, to get rid of such items. As there’s no point spending your hard earned money on expensive food items that you never use. Instead make a note of the food products which you always finish off, as products which you always finish are a wise purchase.
6. Don’t be scared to browse the items at thrift store
If you’ve never walked into a thrift store in your life and have always purchased brand new clothes, you may be surprised at some of the bargains which you can pick up at your local thrift store. As an example, it’s not unusual to find unworn clothes or brand name clothing in thrift stores. So it’s well worth going into a thrift store with an open mind and a keen eye.
So if you love saving money and seeing your savings account grow over time, it’s well worth testing out some of the 6 money saving ideas listed above.
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